Most organisations lack a good strategy and so they struggle with the execution of daily tactics, workload and effectiveness.
I help 500+ companies creating their compass to be more clear what to say, to whom, where and how often. Which platforms and marketing partners select, and what processes implement. The right mix of brand building and digital performance.
Milan Formánek teaches and consults modern marketing. From NGO, small B2B businesses to largest B2C corporations. Worked in Red Bull for 14 years and was a CEO of a creative communication agency. Lecturer at Newton University, member of Czechitas advisory board, the most successful NGO in region that empowers new talents to explore the world of IT, with focus on AI now.
He successfully tested and innovated complex marketing approaches on more than 300 projects and worked with over 100 world top athletes, artists and influencers. Coordinated 20 countries, built a great team.
Jury member of various marketing contests like Young Lions, Social Impact Award, Agency and marketeer of the year.
Worked with startups, universities and selected organizations like Czech chamber of commerce, Impact Hub, Omnicom Media Group, IKEA, Shell or top management of T-Mobile, Siemens, Nestle, Pfizer, Generali, Newton University, European Leadership & Academic Institute, Czechitas, Siemens, Prague Institute of Planning and Development. Milan has mixed this practice with theory from 400+ business audiobooks. He has visited 55+ countries and keeps exploring various life skills.
“I'm inspired by connecting creative disciplines with new technology and business professionals. My mission is to improve effectiveness, ethic and aesthetics of communication. To develop potential and competitiveness through education. I’m in the sweet spot to be young enough to work closely with top global influencers, esport, trending events or social media nuances while already having expertise in strategic leadership and scientific evidence-based principles. Because of that I can bridge the gap between top-management plans and daily activities of executive specialists. I have experiences from the side of client, agency, and media. Ideally, I work in three steps: research > strategy > tactics. I can audit and supervise marketing from A to Z, help you find and train internal or external marketing support. Get the best out of them.”
Modern marketing - strategy, tactics, efficiency, creativity, content, brand, innovation, leadership.
Future-proof meta-skills. Seminars full of practical tips on how to succeed in exponential times. A selection of proven timeless holistic marketing strategies and tactics and their relation to digitalization. Step by step from vision, value proposition, insight and idea through campaign to income. Current trends and their impact on distant work, home-office and lifelong learning in harmony with personal health and time. Helps both specialists and leaders to choose from a wide palette of marketing tactics for better results. Tips on how to do it even without a big budget. You’ll get better understanding of consecution and terminology, breaking stereotypes and opening the mind. You’ll get a manual how to proceed. And if you put it into practice, you will be more successful. With a real advantage over your competition.